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Basic Mountaineering Course

The Basic Mountaineering Course is the foundation course in which men and women are initiated into mountaineering. 

The objectives of BMC are:


  • To teach the basic techniques of movement on rock, snow and ice

  • Theoretical and practical aspects of mountaineering and its allied subjects, like Map reading, Navigation, Weather, Medicines, Mountain Hygiene etc

  • To inculcate the right attitude amongst the trainees enabling them to view mountaineering as an art and not just a physical or adventure activity.

  • To motivate people from all walks of life to higher endeavor.

  • To make available to the trainees, suitable and relevant literature and reading material on mountaineering.

  • To teach them how to make themselves comfortable and manage their health in the mountain environment.

  • To introduce them to conservation of Himalayan environment.

  • To toughen their bodies by increasing their resistance to cold, hunger and fatigue.

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